If your student is struggling in school or even just in one particular subject, you may be thinking that it is time to begin the hunt for a tutor. But what do you look for in a tutor? How do different tutors compare? Well, we have a quick checklist, which will guide you in your quest for a great tutor.
Tutoring Should Be About A New Way Of Thinking
Your student may be having trouble mastering a certain subject. Or, he or she may just be having trouble with a certain concept or topic within a subject. Either way, the issues your student is having may be with how the subject matter is presented.
The bottom line here is that we recommend presenting the student with the materials in a different light. Therefore, the tutor should not be the teacher the student sees everyday at school. (And in our expert opinion the tutor shouldn’t even be a teacher.) The tutor needs to present the material from a different angle. And with a different style.
That is why our team at Elite Academics doesn’t dress like teachers. We prefer to present ourselves as non-threatening, trusted friends. You may find it strange to see us running our office in hoodies and jeans but that is done with a purpose. We want to help our students relax, learn and improve those grades.
Tutoring Should Parallel The Classroom
At Elite Academics we are firm believers in working with the classroom curriculum. That is why all of our tutored students are to bring their current classwork with them and we work on specific topics and assignments that are being covered in school. We want to not only make sure grades are going up but that we are also giving students the tools and knowhow to succeed on their own.
We would not recommend hiring a tutor who presents work or topics that are not parallel to what is being taught in the classroom.
Tutors Need To Have A Trusting Relationship
But no matter what tutor you hire, a trusted relationship must exist. The student must feel comfortable asking questions and admitting when topics are challenging. They must feel safe to make mistakes and get better. Let your student help find the right tutor for them.
If you have any questions about when to consider hiring a tutor, we welcome your calls. Click here to learn more about our tutoring services. You can reach us at info@eliteacademics.com or 720-216-2222.